Thyme[1] should be gathered while it is in flower, and dried
in the shade. There are two kinds of thyme: the white thyme
with a ligneous root, which grows upon declivities, and is the
most esteemed of the two, and another variety, which is of a
darker colour, and bears a swarthy flower. They are, both of
them, considered to be extremely beneficial to the sight, whether used as an article of food or as a medicament, and to be
good for inveterate coughs. Used as an electuary, with vinegar and salt, they facilitate expectoration, and taken with
honey, they prevent the blood from coagulating. Applied ex-
Thyme is given also for epilepsy, when the fits come on, the smell of it reviving the patient; it is said, too, that epileptic persons should sleep upon soft thyme. It is good, also, for hardness of breathing, and for asthma and obstructions of the catamenia. A decoction of thyme in water, boiled down to one-third, brings away the dead fœtus, and it is given to males with oxymel, as a remedy for flatulency, and in cases of swelling of the abdomen or testes and of pains in the bladder. Applied with wine, it removes tumours and fluxes, and, in combination with vinegar, callosities and warts. Mixed with wine, it is used as an external application for sciatica; and, beaten up with oil and sprinkled upon wool, it is employed for diseases of the joints, and for sprains. It is applied, also, to burns, mixed with hogs' lard. For maladies of the joints of recent date, thyme is administered in drink, in doses of three oboli to three cyathi of oxymel. For loss of appetite, it is given, beaten up with salt.